
Developer's Swiss Army Knife

All the tools you need in one place. Fast, reliable, and free to use.

CIDR Calculator

Calculate IP address ranges, subnet masks, and network information from CIDR notation

IP to Binary

Convert IP addresses to binary format and vice versa with detailed binary breakdown

Port Scanner

Scan ports to check their status and identify open services on a host

JSON Formatter

Format, validate, and beautify JSON data with syntax highlighting

Base64 Encoder/Decoder

Encode and decode Base64 strings with support for various character sets

URL Encoder/Decoder

Encode and decode URLs and query parameters safely

Unix Timestamp Converter

Convert between Unix timestamps and human-readable dates


Convert YAML to JSON and vice versa with format validation


Convert CSV data to JSON format with customizable options

XML Formatter

Format and validate XML documents with proper indentation

Color Code Converter

Convert between RGB, HEX, HSL, and other color formats

MD5 Generator

Generate MD5 hashes from text or file input

SHA-1 Generator

Calculate SHA-1 hashes with optional salt

SHA-256 Generator

Generate secure SHA-256 hashes for cryptographic purposes

Text Diff Comparison

Compare two texts and highlight the differences

String Escape/Unescape

Escape and unescape strings for various programming languages

Regex Tester

Test and debug regular expressions with real-time matching

Password Generator

Generate secure passwords with customizable requirements

JWT Decoder

Decode and verify JWT tokens with header and payload inspection

JavaScript Minifier

Minify JavaScript code to reduce file size

CSS Minifier

Compress CSS files while preserving functionality

HTML Minifier

Minify HTML code by removing unnecessary whitespace

Code Beautifier

Beautify and format code for multiple programming languages

Image to Base64

Convert images to Base64 encoded strings for embedding

Cron Expression Generator

Generate and validate cron expressions with plain English descriptions

Lorem Ipsum Generator

Generate Lorem Ipsum placeholder text in various formats

HTTP Request Maker

Make HTTP requests with custom headers and body content

WebSocket Tester

Test WebSocket connections with real-time message sending